Ingleton Wood


Ingleton Wood
Aldgate, E1
Ingleton Wood
Armour Premium Roller Blinds Stansons curtains and track


Perimeter windows: Armour Premium Roller Blinds with sidewinder chain control 

Boardroom: Stansons curtains in Luma fabric on aluminium hand drawn track which was custom curved to allow curtains to stack off the glazed partition.  

Armour Premium Roller Blinds in Polyscreen 3% openness fabric to South elevation windows, and 10% openness fabric to North Elevation windows. By using the same colour fabric, but in different openness factors, Ingleton Wood maintain the maximum outward vision, effectively minimise glare and keep visual conformity across all the perimeter windows.  

The boardroom had a Stansons curtain in Luma fabric installed to the internal glazed screen. This fabric provides privacy and acoustic benefits when required, and neatly stacks around the corner by virtue of a radius curtain track when not. 

Have varying levels of glare in your building? Speak to us to discuss ways you can use the correct window blind specification to combat the glare whist maintaining outward vision. Factors such as glazing type, orientation, height and other buildings in the immediate vicinity can all affect the specification of the blinds. Call us for a free consultation, and we’ll be more than happy to show you some options.